Kaloyan K. Tsvetkov

My Projects

quick walk through some of my open-source work

Over the years I've worked on several open-source projects of my own, and here's a quick list of some of them.

For more projects, and better insight into my open-source work you can check my GitHub account.


September 2020

The heiho.js script is quick and simple spreadsheet viewer. It is meant to preview the contents of csv files inside your browser without needing any other tools. It uses plain vanilla javascript so it has no dependencies, but for the applied styling from the css file.

project page source code npm


April 2007 August 2018

Krumo is a debugging tool, which displays structured information about any PHP variable. It is a nice replacement for print_r() or var_dump() which are used by a lot of PHP developers.

project page source code packagist


August 2017

Wano (short for WArnings & NOtices), is a small PHP tool meant to help reporting PHP error messages.

It is meant to be very easy to use. If you have any experience with PHP error messages such as warnings and notices, you know how annoying it is to have them pop up in the middle of your printed markup, in attributes and between HTML tags, messing things up. Wano is meant to help with that.

source code packagist


November 2018

Fuko\Masked is a small PHP library for masking sensitive data: it replace blacklisted elements with their redacted values.

It is meant to be very easy to use. If you have any experience with trying to sanitise data for logging, or cleaning information that is publicly accessible, you know how annoying it is to have passwords or security token popup at various places of your dumps. Fuko\Masked is meant to help with that.

source code packagist


February 2018

Dynamically handles assets inserted into the header and the footer, allowing you to enqueue your JS and CSS files, your meta tags, etc.

source code


April 2007

Asido is a PHP (PHP4/PHP5) image processing solution, with "pluggable" drivers(adapters) for virtually any environment: GD2, Magick Wand, Image Magick via shell, Image Magick via extension, etc.

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