Kaloyan K. Tsvetkov


I am an amateur loudmouth...

You know what a blog is. Well, this isn't really a blog. It's a collection of posts on some topics which I want to discuss.

Limits of patterns based routing using regular expressions

December 26, 2021

Let's explore regular expressions routing, and compare it to a different new approach

“Ertuo”, allegedly the fastest PHP routing library

December 22, 2021

Let's use a different approach to routing then regular expressions and make it several times faster and more flexible

“Show Passwords” Bookmarklet

September 25, 2021

Nice quick hack to help you see all the values from the password inputs on a page

New Fukō Packages

July 20, 2021

Quick overview of the two new Fukō libraries, fuko-php/open and fuko-php/source

More Real World PHP Routing Benchmarks

June 7, 2021

Sharing some updates on the real-world example benchmark of Symfony's Routing component and FastRoute

Real World Benchmark PHP Routing

May 31, 2021

Let's see how both Symfony's Routing component and FastRoute perform with a real-world example

Can you guess the number of objects created in PHP ?

April 27, 2021

Quick and dirty way (not a very accurate one) to count object instances in PHP

SQL Query Backtrace

April 24, 2021

Quick and easy way to track the code where SQL queries are executed from

Hello World! (again...)

March 18, 2021

Read a little bit more about what I am going to be writing about